Friday, June 24, 2011

Introductions Are in Order!

Well, hello there everyone!

This is my very first attempt at a blog-type thing so it's going to be a great adventure for all of us! : ) If you don't mind bearing with me as I get the hang of things, I promise I'll do my best to be as timely and entertaining for you as I possibly can!

Let me tell you a little about myself! I went to school for English, with a concentration in writing. My goal is to one day see my own book title on the pages of the New York Times Best Seller list and I'm most definitely working on one story, with several other ideas floating around in my head, waiting to take shape completely. In the meantime, I work at a bookstore (where I totally plan on holding book signings in the future!), selling books, magazines and gift items to the masses.

Being an English major, I'm also a huge book nerd. Working in a bookstore is really quite dangerous for me as I'm guaranteed to find at least one book I want to read during every shift I work! And although I'd really like to be able to write for a living, I do love working at the bookstore. an attempt to feel like I'm doing what I want to do, I've started up this blog, where I will be writing reviews for all the books I'm reading/have read. I may throw a few other random things in now and again, but mostly it'll be book reviews.

So if you're a book nerd, I hope you'll follow me and enjoy what I have to say. : ) Maybe you'll even find a new book to read during your visits!

I'm almost finished with my current read, so you can expect the first review up in a couple days. :) Seeya then!!

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