Title: Game of Thrones
Author: George R. R. Martin
Published: Originally Published
August 1996, Bantam
Plot Overview:
The great realm of Westeros is divided into seven smaller sub-kingdoms, each
ruled by its own lord, who in turn are ruled by King Robert, who resides in
King’s Landing. When the Hand of the King, Lord Arryn, dies suddenly, Robert
takes his family and a host of guards and attendants to make the trek north to
Winterfell, home of the king’s closest friend, Lord Ned Stark. Ned is very
hesitant to take the position, as he has no desire to involve himself in the
political games of the kingdom. However, when Ned’s wife Catelyn receives a
letter from her sister Lysa, Lord Arryn’s widow, explaining that she believes
her husband was murdered by the Lannisters, Ned has a change of heart. Cersei
Lannister is unhappily married to his dear friend, King Robert. When the safety
of his friend and the potential outbreak of war becomes a threat, Catelyn
convinces him that he must accept Robert’s offer to save the Stark family, King
Robert’s life and the fate of Westeros.
Upon arriving in King’s Landing, Ned begins to do some research into Lord
Arryn’s death. One clue after another brings him to yet another mystery, as he
slowly unveils the truth. John Arryn was most certainly murdered, but for what
purpose? The answer suddenly reveals itself in the most unexpected way and Ned
must decide what he is to do with the knowledge he’s gained – to tell the King
would mean hurting his pride and watching the outcome of his wrath; to keep the
secret would be damaging to his own honor and loyalty to his friend. The last
thing Ned Stark wanted when King Robert’s host entered his castle was to be
involved in politics; now he is the keeper of a secret that could rip the
kingdoms apart with war.
Across the narrow sea the last living descendants of Aerys Targaryen, the
former ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, are on a quest to take back what is theirs.
Prince Viserys has forced his sister, Princess Daenerys (Dany), into an
arranged marriage with Khal Drogo, leader of a large Dothraki clan. In return,
Drogo has promised an army to Viserys, with which the ambitious prince intends
to take back the realm stolen from them in the war upon their father. King
Aerys had gone mad and was doing terrible things when the lords of the seven
kingdoms rose up against him, killing him and installing Robert Baratheon on
the throne. Viserys will do anything to sit upon the throne in King’s Landing
Meanwhile, Ned Stark’s bastard son John Snow is fighting is own battles. Upon
his father’s departure from Winterfell, John decided to join the Night’s Watch
– a group of men skilled in battle, who protect the realm from things on the
other side of the Wall. The Wall is located at the northern most part of the
kingdoms, separating Westeros from the Haunted Forest,
a land of ice, snow and wild things. The realm has spent the last 9 years
reveling in an unusually long summer. But summer cannot last forever and
strange, dark things are beginning stir beyond the wall.
Winter is coming.
Review (Spoiler heavy!)
I’ve been meaning to start reading the Song of Ice and Fire series for a long
time now. It’s always looked interesting and when I discovered they were
adapting a television show from the books, one that looked wicked awesome
(forgive my Maineisms), well – that pretty much sealed it. My best friend was
fan and after several conversations about the series, with her telling me that
I had to read it and me saying I knew I needed to, she loaned me her copy of
the first book.
Upon starting the novel, I realized that A Game of Thrones, although it had
similar qualities to books I’ve read in the past, was a bit different from my
usual choices. I don’t normally pick up books that have a lot of politics and
political intrigue in the plot. However, the further into the book I got and
the more attached I got to the characters my mind turned away from the “I’m
seriously reading about politics?” mentality and more toward “what is the
secret and what will it mean for the kingdoms?!”
The character development is just incredible. Just when you think you’ve got a
character all figured out they do or say something that completely throws you
for a loop and, depending on how you feel about them, will either bring you
immense satisfaction or disappointment. I particularly enjoyed the
transformations of John Snow, Robb, Sansa and Arya Stark and especially
Daenerys Targaryen as they grew up and were affected by the events around them.
is coming.