Monday, July 18, 2011

The End.

First, let me apologize for my lateness in posting. The past couple weeks have been absolutely insane and I, honestly, haven’t finished the next book yet, though it will be finished sometime this week, with the review following soon after. Today’s post is not a review, though it does have something to do with a book. Seven books, in fact.
The only thing I can thank my first boyfriend for was for introducing me to author J.K. Rowling and her creation, Harry Potter. I don’t think I need to summarize the plot of Harry, as everyone, even people who aren’t fans, know the story of the Boy Who Lived.
I was in love with the story from the first page of the Sorcerer’s Stone. Rowling created such an incredible world of magic and characters that I grew up with and came to love as the series went on. I remember the excitement I felt when I was sitting in the theatre, waiting for the first movie to begin. I couldn’t wait to see how they brought Harry’s world to film, was so excited to see inside Hogwarts and to meet the characters I’d been reading about. The casting was perfect and, although a few things from the books were left out of the movies over the years, for the most part I was happy with how the books were translated into film.
I was working in the bookstore when the Deathly Hallows came out. We held a Harry Potter party the night before its release, which was almost as magical as the story itself. We had a table set up with snacks including a bunch of Harry Potter themed treats that I, being the biggest HP nerd at the store, looked up and made especially for the occasion. We had butterbeer (a non-alcoholic recipe, thanks, cuz of  the little ones ^_^), cauldron cakes, chocolate wands and some muggle foods like chips and cookies. Several people attended the party in costume, including myself, though all I was wearing was my replica of Professor McGonagall’s movie hat and a cheap witch’s cloak/cape thing bought from Wal-Mart the previous Halloween. I stood behind the counter, leading a few kids in a Harry-themed trivia game I’d put together. Only a few kids participated in the game but we still had a great time. They were separated into the four houses of Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Whichever house had the most correct answers at the end of the game won! However, as I didn’t want to make anyone feel badly…everyone got a little bag of candy, pulled from my witch’s cauldron, as a prize!
As midnight drew near the excitement in the store built up to epic proportions. Everyone lined up in front of the counter, eager to get their copy of the final book in the Harry Potter saga. When the first box was opened and the books were pulled out and handed to customers (I got the second copy! ;D), I couldn’t wait to open its cover and devour the pages within. I had to work the next day, but I couldn’t help reading the first chapter or two before I went to bed. If I hadn’t had to work, I’m sure I would have stayed up all night. I did a lot of crying over the next couple days, as beloved characters were killed by dark wizards and witches. My father had a great time pointing and laughing at me as I sobbed on the couch, trying to continue reading while my eyes were full of tears.
Last Friday morning I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, the final film in the Harry Potter series. And I cried. I cried for the deaths of characters I loved (I won’t mention names for those of you who haven’t read them, or haven’t seen the last movie), I cried for sacrifices that had to be made and I cried because that was the end. Unless she decides to one day continue the story and tell us what happened after, then as of July 15, 2011, the Harry Potter series has ended.
Some people out there don’t like Harry Potter, whether it’s because you just don’t like the idea of a wizarding school, or you like your wizards old and bearded ( like Gandalf), or you’re one of those people who thinks Harry Potter is evil with its use of magic and witchcraft. I can understand and respect your opinions (well…honestly I have a hard time with the evil thing), but Harry Potter isn’t just a story about spells and dark wizards. Sure, the main plot is centered around the eventual battle between good and evil, Harry facing off against Voldemort, but there are so many more levels within the tale: friendship, love, loyalty, bravery, the list can go on forever. I could never understand why anyone would say that Harry Potter is evil or satanic. How could a story that professes love to be the ultimate weapon against malicious forces be evil? Guess I just don’t get it.
In the end it comes down to this: the Harry Potter series promotes only the best of humankind: love, friendship, acceptance, etc., while fighting against the evil in the world: hate, intolerance, and prejudice. At the same time it’s a grand adventure that’s incredibly fun and entertaining to read. It’s an adventure us Potter fans have been having for years now, and, I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say we’re very sad to see it come to an end. We’ve known it was going to happen but it doesn’t lessen the loss of something we’ve grown up with. We have been with Harry, Ron, Hermione and their friends from their very first day at Hogwarts. We’ve shared their joys and sorrows, watched them grow from children to adults, feared for their safety, laughed at their jokes, experienced first crushes and unrequited love, and with them, we’ve faced the monsters hidden in the dark. The credits rolling at the end of Deathly Hallows part 2 marks the end of something truly amazing for us. It’s the end of something we’ve loved for years, something we’ve grown up with. It’s the end of our childhoods and the last we’ll hear from the characters whose story we’ve lovingly followed.
You can laugh at this (and I’m sure I know at least one of you will ;) ), but I don’t care. Those of us who have been dedicated readers of Harry Potter have been part of something amazing, something that has been in our lives for many years now, and will be part of our lives for many years to come. It’s a great story full of love, magic and incredible characters.
And if you don’t like it well….you’re missing out. ;)

Harry Potter = <3